
New website tracks critical race theory curriculums, trainings at college campuses nationwide
A new website chronicles the critical race theory lessons, curriculums and trainings found at colleges and universities nationwide. Read More.
CENSORSHIPDemocrats Demand To Know Why Cable Companies Don’t CENSOR Conservative Media
In a blatant attempt to pressure cable providers to censor conservative media, Democrats have penned a letter demanding to know what they intend to do about certain channels, including Fox and Newsmax, spreading ‘disinformation’. Read More.
How Based is Your Knowledge?
Having an online knowledge base is becoming increasingly essential to the growth and success of businesses. Read More.
Amazon deplatforms book on transgenderism by conservative author without explanation
Amazon's web store has removed a best-selling book by a conservative author on the science and politics of transgenderism without notifying the author or giving him a reason why the book was deplatformed. Read More.
Court Docs Show Facebook Played Much Bigger Part In Capitol Riot Than Parler, Yet No Consequences
It’s been more than a month since the app stores of Google and Apple joined forces with Amazon Web Services to knee-cap an upstart competitor, Parler. Read More.
Winning Engagement: Brands Are Spending More On Messaging
Brands are racing to improve their consumer messaging this year, judging by the 2021 Global Customer Engagement Review. Read More.
Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing: Which One’s Best for You?
Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing are two of the important components of digital marketing. Read More.
What Happens if You Don't Accept WhatsApp's New Privacy Policy?
Two weeks after a new privacy policy was set to take effect, WhatsApp is still scrambling to inform users of their digital rights. Read More.
Commentary: As progressives falsely claim ideological victory, free speech is in peril
Free speech is in peril, with big tech behemoths seemingly treating ideological diversity and free expression as futile social antiques — relics to be discarded at their discretion. Read More.
4 Email Marketing Mistakes Affecting Your Conversions (And How to Fix Them)
If you’re like many business owners, you use email marketing to stay in contact with your customers and nurture leads. Read More.
Facebook Emails Reveal Company Knew Of Inflated Metrics, Marketers Argue
In the fall of 2017, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg allegedly “acknowledged in an internal email” that she was aware of problems with the company's metrics regarding the potential reach of ad campaigns. Read More.
Democrats split over plan to require greater censorship of ads in Section 230 overhaul
Senate Democrats are split on new legislation that could force tech companies to censor online ads in the hopes of curbing misinformation and fraudulent claims. Read More.
Facebook Shows Australia Who’s Boss: Cuts off News Down Under and Blocks Access to Health Departments, Charities, Emergency Services in the Process
The tech giants are openly flaunting their dominance over the planet and independent thought. It will no longer be allowed. Read More.
Laura Loomer’s Lawsuit Against Big Tech Censorship Makes It to Supreme Court Docket
In January 2020, former Republican Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer filed a formal Federal Election Commission complaint against Twitter for providing in-kind corporate contributions to her opponent, Democrat Congresswoman Lois Frankel, by censoring her from the platform. Read More.

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