
2021 Rising: D2C Emails Pulled Higher Conversion Rates
Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands increased their email conversion rates by 26% YoY in January and February, according to a new study from LiveIntent. Read More.
BrandTotal Continues Battle With Facebook Over Data, Says It Could Face 'Immediate Liquidation
Analytics company BrandTotal is again urging a federal judge to prohibit Facebook from blocking BrandTotal's data-gathering efforts. Read More.
Google Can't Shake Privacy Claims Over 'Incognito' Tracking
Google must face claims that it violates federal and California state privacy laws by collecting data about Chrome users who browse the web in "incognito" mode, a federal judge ruled Friday. Read More.
Study: Consumers Seek Brands That Reflect Their Values
Here’s a challenge for email copywriters: How do you weave in claims that your brand is socially conscious? Read More.
Microsoft’s response to Chinese cyber attack was to expand business in China
On March 2, communist China hacked Microsoft’s servers and compromised data of more than 60,000 Microsoft customers. Read More.
Media Fabricated Fake Quotes From Trump’s Phone Call With Georgia Secretary Of State’s Office
The corrupt corporate media used falsified quotes to push their narrative about former President Donald Trump’s phone call concerning 2020 election fraud with the Georgia Secretary of State’s office in December. Read More.
Project Veritas: Facebook Global Planning Lead Admits Zuckerberg Has More Power Than Any King in History
In its latest exposé, the investigative journalism group Project Veritas has revealed footage of Facebook Global Planning Lead Benny Thomas highlighting the need for the government to break up Facebook. Read More.
Keep Your Email Marketing Working For You
Whether your company goes to market as a B2B or a B2C or if you’re working for a non-profit organization, email absolutely needs to be a part of your marketing and communication strategy. Read More.
Pandemic Tempo: The Challenges Faced By Brands And Consumers
Brands and consumers alike faced digital upheaval during the pandemic last year, according to a study from Acquia -- Design Resilient Digital Customer Experiences In Disruptive Times. Read More.
Dreadful TV Show Gets Axed, Leftists Cry “Cancel Culture!”
After a dreadful ‘woke’ television comedy show in the UK with terrible ratings which repeated the same two insipid jokes over and over again got axed, leftists claimed it was an example of “cancel culture.” Read More.
Amazon Now Bans Books That Treat Gender Dysphoria as Mental Illness
Amazon informed senators on Thursday that it instituted a new policy banning books that treat gender dysphoria as a mental illness from its platform. Read More.
German Publisher Kowtows to the CCP, Destroys Copies of ‘China Virus’ Children’s Book
A German children’s book that stated that the coronavirus came from China has been pulped after the publisher caved to pressure from Communist Party diplomats and local Chinese people. Read More.
Censorship Kills: The Shunning of a COVID Therapeutic
Doctors fighting COVID-19 should be supported by their profession and their government, not suppressed. Read More.
Content Marketing and Thought Leadership: What's the Difference?
Content marketing is a well-established discipline for generating inbound leads through keyword targeting and other methods. Read More.
5 Reasons Why Your Email Marketing Isn’t Making Sales
Email marketing is the keystone to driving sales in any business with an online presence. It isn’t enough to have a website because 70% of people leave your site and never return. Read More.

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