
Advertiser Can't Proceed With Class-Action Against Facebook Over Demographic Targeting
A judge has denied class-action status to a Facebook advertiser that sued the company for allegedly overstating the accuracy of ad targeting on the platform. Read More.
Hong Kong to scour old films for subversive themes under new censorship law
Hong Kong will scrutinise past films for national security breaches under a tough new censorship law in the latest blow to the city’s political and artistic freedoms. Read More.
Notre Dame leprechaun considered offensive, according to survey
They’re stuck between a shamrock and a hard place. Read More.
Hit Piece on Gab Falls Flat, Makes Gab Look Based
I woke up to yet another hit piece about both Gab and myself this morning. Read More.
Proud Boys leader sentenced to five months behind bars in DC jail
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio is sentenced to approximately five months in jail after authorities apprehended him earlier this year amidst the fallout of the 2020 election. Read More.
Even The Taliban Thinks Your Collusive Censorship Of Americans Is Pure Repression
I gotta ask, Jack Dorsey, Marc Zuckerberg, Nick Clegg. What’s it like, that feeling when even the Taliban recognizes that your censorship of American citizens’ speech about topics of public concern – in collusion with the current administration – is Taliban-level repressive, such that it will brook no objections from the West about its own civil- and human-rights abuses? ​​​​​​​ Read More.
Back-To-School Emails Are Pulling Higher Conversion Rates Than Last Year, Study Shows
Back-to-school email campaigns are pulling a 40% higher conversion rate than they did last year, according to findings released on Tuesday by LiveIntent.  Read More.
Conservative Christian nominee ‘canceled’ by Auburn student government
A junior nominated for a position on Auburn University’s student government was successfully shot down because he expressed Christian and conservative beliefs on social media. Read More.
The Key to Smart Branding
I know that for some new entrepreneurs, ‘branding’ can be a scary word. Read More.
How to Re-Engage Your Stagnant Email List
Do you have an email list jam-packed with subscribers? Read More.
Faith leaders raise concerns over online censorship of religious speech
YouTube's blocking of a theologian's talk on the Christian view of sex as a "content violation" raises serious concerns that "religious speech is being censored online," San Francisco's archbishop and Focus on the Family's president said in a Wall Street Journal op-ed they co-wrote. Read More.
United Kingdom-China branch campus employees leaving en masse, citing Chinese censorship
Faculty at two branch campuses shared by universities in the United Kingdom and China are leaving in significant numbers while blaming Chinese censorship for limiting academic freedom, according to a report in Times Higher Education. Read More.
Are You Smart Enough To Use A CDP? Study Shows Confusion Abounds
Customer Data Platforms, that proclaimed miracle tool for brands, can be of great help to email marketers. Read More.
Data In The Dark: How Big Tech Secretly Secured $800 Million In Tax Breaks For Data Centers
Columbus City council member Emmanuel Remy listened intently as the lawyer on his computer screen argued why the company he represented was entitled to a big tax break. Read More.
Twitter Automatically Recommends Users Follow Taliban Accounts
Twitter’s "auto-recommendation" tool is pushing users to follow Taliban accounts. Read More.

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