TikTok users were greeted with an unexpected message from the Chinese video-sharing app on Sunday afternoon, thanking President-elect Donald Trump for allowing the conditions to restore service in the US after it went dark for more than 12 hours. Trump announced earlier that he would extend the divest-or-ban deadline through an executive order on Monday. This action—painting Trump as a savior could potentially trigger a significant surge in his popularity, as more than 170 million Americans use the controversial Chinese app.
TikTokers were greeted on their smartphones with a message that praised "Trump's efforts" that led to the app being restored. This should be seen as a solid olive branch by Beijing extended to the incoming Trump administration.
Welcome back! Thanks for your patience and support. As a result of President Trump's efforts, TikTok is back in the US! You can continue to create, share and discover all the things you love on TikTok.