Taibbi: Trust In The Media Can't Be Fixed, Not One Journalist Has Come Forward To Say "Yeah, We Screwed Up"

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi on FOX News Saturday night talked to host Brian Kilmeade about not being able to trust the facts that the media feeds consumers.

"Trust is a human thing," Taibbi told Kilmeade. "You can't mechanize it. And in the journalism business when you make mistakes you have to stand in front of the camera and own up to it or else audiences will never again trust you. And there are years and years of errors about major consequential news cycle-dominating stories like Russiagate and COVID where the networks and major dailies have simply not come forward and said 'Yeah, we screwed up' and they have to do that if they're going to get audience back. But they refuse to and I just don't think that's -- they're ever going to learn."

Matt Taibbi by OccupyTVNY is licensed under Wiki Commons OccupyTVNY

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