State Department Shares Heavily-Redacted Records About Shadowy Pro-Censorship Group

The pressure on the current White House administration is increasing seemingly by the day, to clarify exactly what, how, when, and for what purpose, had been happening during the alleged, and scandalous Big Tech-Big Government collusion over the past years.

There are so many chess pieces in this story that it’s sometimes difficult to keep track of who exactly did what – in order to censor speech in the US.

The idea of free speech, as defined there via the First Amendment, and upheld by a number of milestone Supreme Court rulings – as opposed to other countries, has always been a beacon of light – freedom of expression-wise.

But the light from the beacon has significantly dimmed over the last couple of years. There has been all kinds of evidence that when the Biden White House (and the powerful political/media forces behind it and the party, even when he was not in office) were devising “innovative” ways of circumventing the own country’s top legislation – the Constitution, specifically on the issue of speech.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken by GPA Photo Archive is licensed under Flickr Flickr

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