Progressives Will Never Get Unity Until They Kill Cancel Culture

  • by:
  • Source: Town Hall
  • 08/11/2021

Cancel culture is the left-wing equivalent of eating at Golden Corral. Picking and choosing buffet-style whose careers to end, what brands to boycott, and which political reputations to consume may feel good in the moment, but in the long run it’s terrible for your health. And if the left doesn't leave the buffet soon, down the line it could suffer a massive coronary. 

The Olympic Games have been a disaster on this score. The Director of the Opening Ceremonies was fired for a Holocaust joke he made 23 years ago during a comedy routine, and a composer working on the Games was forced to step down because he admitted to bullying classmates as a child. It’s remarkable and sad that not one world leader took the opportunity to call out these cancellations for what they really are — which is ludicrous. Wouldn’t it have been great if just one of our world leaders had, you know, led?

The silence from progressive leaders like US President Joe Biden is especially disappointing. The longer progressives wait to stand up against cancel culture, the more they undermine their own ideological credibility. That’s because the whole aim of cancel culture — to eliminate all dissenting opinions through political, social and economic pressure — runs contrary to the principles that have driven progressivism for over a century.

Source: Town Hall
Joe Biden by U.S. Secretary of Defense is licensed under Flickr CC BY 2.0

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