Mortgage Brokers Leak Sensitive Data to Facebook

Another big source of Facebook’s “bread and butter” – namely, people’s personal data – has been highlighted in a new investigative report, which identified that source as the online mortgage brokers industry.

These are companies that act as intermediaries between borrowers and lenders, and when people either apply for a loan or seek refinancing, they give up highly sensitive information, trusting that it will be used by those firms alone.

But The Markup reveals that this data, in an alarming number of cases (over 200 out of about 700 tested broker websites), gets “shared” with Facebook.

The sites are run by both major and smaller companies – one of them being the Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, a top US lender. And Fairway Independent is among the sites that give data to Facebook.

numbers by Mika Baumeister is licensed under Unsplash

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