Meet The Silicon Valley Billionaire Who Wants To ‘Destroy Donald Trump,’ According To New Report

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman has emerged as a prolific contributor to Democratic and anti-Trump initiatives, putting him in the same league as left-wing billionaire George Soros, according to a new report by Restoration of America.

Hoffman has used his fortune to contribute to causes with the goal of damaging former President Donald Trump politically, Restoration of America alleges in the report, which is titled “The Soros Of Silicon Valley: Reid Hoffman’s Millions For Democrat Activism.” The report draws a parallel between Hoffman and Soros, who is responsible for channeling massive funds into Democratic groups and candidates.

“There’s no shortage of leftist mega-donors for funding America’s ‘progressive’ revolution,” the report states. “Meet the newest billionaire backing it: Reid Hoffman, whose campaign to destroy Donald Trump is matched only by the scale of his #MeToo hypocrisy.”

Reid Hoffman by Joi Ito is licensed under flickr Joi Ito

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