Google Claims Censoring Italy Election Winner Meloni’s Speech Was a ‘Mistake’

  • by:
  • Source: Breitbart
  • 09/30/2022

Google-owned YouTube restored a viral video of a speech from the winner of the Italian election, Giorgia Meloni, claiming it was “mistakenly” removed from the platform. The speech went viral after Meloni’s win, but had been posted to the platform without problem since 2019.

In the 2019 speech, which went viral across multiple platforms this week, Meloni gave a fiery defense of the family, the nation, religion, and basic truths about gender, condemning international elites for attempting to reduce people to “numbers” without any identity.

The video has been restored to YouTube at its original link:

Source: Breitbart
YouTube by Esther Vargas is licensed under Flickr CC BY 2.0

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