Document dump shows that Big Tech is most definitely censoring Americans at the behest of Big Government

(Natural News) We’ve been hearing in recent weeks that members of Congress on both sides of the aisle are finally getting serious about busting up big tech monopolies and going after their constant law-breaking, but new information revealed in documents uncovered just recently prove that’s a lot of hot air.

Not only isn’t Congress going to regulate big tech, but it’s why they won’t: Big tech is in cahoots with the federal government to spy on and censor American citizens.

The Montana Gazette has more:

It’s not just a left-right issue. Whether Republicans or Democrats, there is an actual written agreement between Big Tech and at least one state government to censor people who are critical of politicians. The Deep State documents are now a matter of public court record, made available by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. And according to the court record, the judge presiding over the case has insisted on the documents being entered into the public record because they are absolutely revolutionary.

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