Censor-Happy Leftist Yoel Roth Outlines Playbook to Restrain Free Speech on Twitter

  • by:
  • Source: Breitbart
  • 11/21/2022

Yoel Roth, the rabidly anti-Trump former Twitter employee who briefly served as the site’s top censor, has penned an article for the New York Times explaining how a coalition of regulators and corporate interests can prevent Elon Musk from fully restoring free speech on the platform.

In the article, Roth, who briefly led Twitter’s notorious “Trust & Safety” department — responsible for the platform’s sitewide censorship policies — outlined the establishment’s playbook for restraining any platform that attempts to move towards free speech on its own.

Roth outlined a path for restraining censorship that will be familiar to other social networks, like Parler and Gab, that attempted to provide users with an environment of free speech — in particular, blacklisting by Google and Apple’s app marketplaces.

Source: Breitbart
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