Assange Wins High Court Victory In Temporary Reprieve From Extradition To US

  • by:
  • Source: ZeroHedge
  • 05/21/2024

The High Court in London ruled Monday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can appeal his extradition to the US. Given it was essentially his 'last chance' to mount a final challenge before he could have been handed over the US custody and on a plane to American soil, Monday marks a huge win.

His legal team successfully convinced the court that Assange is being denied his First Amendment rights, and that these protections cannot be guaranteed for him if transferred to the US.

According to CNN, "His legal team made the case that Assange could be discriminated against on the basis of his nationality, as an Australian-born foreign national."

"In a short ruling, the judges said the US submissions were not sufficient, granting Assange permission to a full appeal in relation to the points on freedom of speech and nationality," the report noted. No date has yet to be announced for the full appeal.

Source: ZeroHedge
Julian Assange by Peter Erichsen is licensed under flickr New Media Days

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